Microsoft Outlook – Forwarding Deakin Emails to Other Email Addresses (Student Account only)


Automatic external email forwarding is not available for staff accounts. If you enable forwarding to an external address for a staff account, these emails will not be delivered. The Outlook mobile application (accessible on Android and iOS) is available for monitoring your emails on the go. If you do not monitor your Deakin mailbox, you can utilise Automatic Replies.

Correspondence sent by email within the University will normally be sent to your Deakin email address.

For students, only Manual forwarding feature is available. This feature is visible for staff however the forwarding will not work as per policy.

Setup Instructions for Student Account. 

Please click this link to access the forward settings via Outlook Web Access.

If the link above doesn't work, then see 'Manually navigating to the forward settings' section below.

The forwarding setting popup can take a couple of seconds to appear after the webpage has loaded.

  1. Firstly, tick the 'Enable forwarding' checkbox.
  2. Next, enter the email address you want to forward to.

    Tick the 'Enable forwarding' box, then enter the email address you would like to forward to

    Note: 'Keep a copy of forwarded messages' can be optionally ticked

  3. Click the 'Save' button at the bottom right-hand corner.
  4. Your e-mail forwarding is now set.

Manually navigating to the forward settings

  1. Go to
  2. Click on the gear at the top right-hand corner of the window.
  3. Search for 'forwarding' and click the forwarding link that appears.

     First, click the gear wheel (Settings) in the upper-right hand corner, then search for 'Forwarding'
  4. Follow the Setup Instructions for Student Account given above.