Managing Announcement Banners in ServiceNow

Table of Contents

Creating an Announcement Banner

  1. Open ServiceNow
  2. Navigate to All Applications > Service Portal > Announcements (The Announcements [announcement] table displays all announcements)
  3. Click New
  4. On the form, fill in the fields

Editing an Announcement Banner

  1. Open ServiceNow
  2. Navigate to All Applications > Service Portal > Announcements (The Announcements [announcement] table displays all announcements)
  3. Search for the Name of the Announcement you want to edit > Click to open
  4. Update the required fields
  5. Click 'Save'

Show/Hide an Announcement Banner

  1. Open ServiceNow
  2. Navigate to All Applications > Service Portal > Announcements (The Announcements [announcement] table displays all announcements)
  3. Search for the Name of the Announcement you want to show/hide > Click to open
  4. Tick the Active box to show the banner, untick to remove it

Delete an Announcement Banner

  1. Open ServiceNow
  2. Navigate to All Applications > Service Portal > Announcements (The Announcements [announcement] table displays all announcements)
  3. Search for the Name of the Announcement you want to delete > Click to open
  4. Click the 'Delete' button in the top right-hand corner; this is permanent, and the banner will need to be recreated in order to use it again. See Show/Hide an Announcement Banner to hide it for future use

Visual Aid

          Accessing the Announcements page in ServiceNow


          Creating a New Announcement


          Deleting an Announcement


Field Key

Field Description
Name Internal title that doesn't display in the announcement.

Active Option to activate the announcement. To hide an announcement, clear the Active check box.

Title Title to appear in the announcement.

From Date and time that the announcement begins to appear.

To Date and time that the announcement ends. If left empty, the announcement continues to appear until it's deactivated.

Summary Text to appear in the announcement.

Display style Defines the background color, text color, and text alignment of banner announcements. Base system styles include:
    • Normal: Blue background and left-aligned, white text.
    • Urgent: Red background and left-aligned, white text.

Announcements that appear in a banner use the display style defined in the Announcement record, by default. To use the display style in an instance of the Announcements widget, you can select the Use Display Style instance option.


Defines where an announcement displays. By default, announcements appear in the following locations:

    • Banner: Announcement banner above the banner frame in the Service Portal.
    • Widget: Instance of the Announcements widget.

You can create an announcement type to define other widget instances to display an announcement.

Glyph Glyph to display to the left of the title in banner announcements.
Glyph alt text Alternative text for the glyph icon used with screen readers.
Public Option to display the announcement to users before and after they've logged in.
Display first If selected, the announcement displays before all other announcements.

If there is a tie between two records set to Display first, the sort order defined in the glide.service_portal.announcement.default.sort_order system property is honored. See Service Portal properties.

Roles If Public is not selected, you can define the roles that the announcement is visible to. If left empty, the announcement is visible to all roles.
Note: Alternatively, you can define user criteria for the announcement instead. To do so, set up User criteria for Service Portal and clear the Public check box. Announcements display to only the users who pass the access criteria.
Unauthenticated only Option to display the announcement only to users who haven't logged in.

This option appears only if Public is selected.

Click target Creates a link below the announcement body that opens to a target page or URL.
    • None: Announcement doesn't include a link.
    • Page: Opens a Service Portal page in the current browser tab.
    • URL in current browser tab: Opens a URL in the current browser tab.
    • URL in new browser tab: Opens a URL in a new browser tab.

If the Details link text field is empty and a click target is defined, the title of the announcement is the link.

Details page The page that opens in the current browser tab. Available if the Click target is Page.
Details URL The URL that opens in the current or new browser tab. Available if the Click target is URL in current browser tab or URL in new browser tab.

Details link text Link text for the page or URL click target. If you leave this field empty and define a click target, the title of the announcement is the link.
Dismiss options Determines whether the user can dismiss the announcement. Options include:
    • User can dismiss - no redisplay
    • User can dismiss for current session only
    • User cannot dismiss
Portals Portals that display the announcement. If this field is empty, the announcement displays in all portals.