Video Conference room - Join using SIP address (manual dial Zoom meeting or other SIP conference)

Table of Contents

Meeting Invitation - Obtain the SIP address and the Password of the meeting


There are many ways to join a Zoom conference.  

This article shows steps to join by manually dialing the SIP address.


Note: Whilst this article focuses on dialing a Zoom meeting, the same principles may be used to dial other SIP addresses.


All Deakin video conference rooms are able to dial using SIP address.


Meeting Invitation

The meeting organizer should send you an invitation to the meeting which includes dialing information for how to join the Zoom conference.

Here is an example Zoom Meeting invitation which includes the SIP address. (The SIP address will be present if the meeting host's organization has purchased the 'Zoom Room Connector')

Take note of the SIP URI, and Password. 

Here is an another example Zoom Meeting where the meeting host has not purchased the 'Zoom Room Connector' feature, so the SIP and H.323 addresses are missing from the meeting invitation

The organizer of this meeting will need to arrange purchase of the 'Zoom Room Connector' feature if they want SIP or H.323 video conference rooms to join the conference, and then send you a new invitation with the SIP URI.

They may refer to the Zoom website, or contact their Zoom sales representative for more information on the 'Zoom Room Connector'.


How to call a SIP address using a Deakin video conference room


Note: Whilst this article focuses on dialing a Zoom meeting, the same principles may be used to dial other SIP addresses.


All Deakin video conference rooms are able to dial using SIP address.


Dial a SIP call with a Cisco Touch 10 Controller

This is a Touch 10 controller.  


1. Select Call


2. Touch the 'Search or dial' box to display the numeric Keypad



3.  Then select the 'ABC' button to show the keyboard



4. Type in the SIP address from the meeting invitation, and then select the green 'Call' button.



5. You are now connected to the Zoom service


6. If your Display is requesting a Password, check your meeting invitation for the Password.

(Skip this step if there is no Password)

On the Touch 10 select the Keypad button

This will display the Number Pad

Refer to your meeting invitation for the unique Password.

Enter the Password for the meeting, followed by the '#' key

In our example meeting, the Password was 243512

So on the Keypad, you would enter 243512#

Dial a SIP call with a Cisco Touch 8 Controller

This is a Touch 8 Controller

For Deakin Rooms with Touch 8 Controller, the process is very similar to Touch 10, but the buttons may look slightly different to the Touch 10 controller.


1. Select Dial, and enter the SIP URI address.  (Use the Keyboard icon to access the keyboard).  Select the green 'Call' button to dial.

2. You are now connected to the Zoom conference service.  If you are prompted for a meeting Password, or if you need to enter a Host Key, select the 'Keypad' button to display the numeric keypad, enter the Password or Host Key, followed by the '#' key.


Dial a SIP call in a Video Conference Room with a DAVE / Crestron Controller

1. Select Video Conference mode

2. Select Manual Dial

3. Type in the SIP Address, then select 'Dial'

TIP: Select the text input field to reveal the touch panel's keyboard.

4. Use the Numeric Keypad to Enter Meeting ID or Password.



Dial a SIP call in a Video Conference Room with a DARCS / AMX Controller

Many large Lecture Theaters and Meeting rooms use AMX Controllers


Select the green Call icon

Touch the 'Search or Dial' box to display the Keyboard

Type in the SIP URI address for the meeting, then select the green Dial button

You should now be connected to the Zoom meeting service.

The lower left hand corner will show the site you are connected to.

Select 'Far End' on the Left Display

Select 'Far End Presentation' or 'Self View' or the Right Display, depending on what you would like to Display.

You may also select other sources to send as Presentation on the Right Display.

Check that your microphone is unmuted when you are speaking.

Check that your local Speaker is unmuted (speaker icon under the volume slider).



If the meeting has a password, you will see a prompt on the Display requesting a Password


Select the green Call button again

Select the Keypad button

Use the Keypad to enter the Password followed by the '#' for the meeting.   

Note: If you are the meeting host, you may also use this Keypad to enter the Host Key.

To disconnect from the call, select the red Hangup button 

There is a confirmation pop up.  Select Yes, Hangup



Dial a SIP call in a Video Conference Room with a NGAV / ACA Controller

Some large Lecture Theaters and Meeting rooms use ACA Controllers


Press the 'Make a Call' Button


A Keyboard should appear.

Type in the SIP URI address from the meeting invitation.

The address should appear in the grey text box as you type.

A pop up Call button will appear under the grey text box.  Press the Call button to dial the address.

You should now be connected to the Zoom Meeting.


Some meetings are Password protected.  

If the meeting requires you to enter a Password, select the 'Keypad' button

Selecting "Keypad' will display the numeric Keypad.  Use this to enter the Password followed by the "#" key.  

You should now be in the Zoom meeting.

Note: if you are the meeting host, you may also use this Keypad to enter your host key.

If you are a guest, you may need to wait for the host to join or start the conference. 



The Microphone Mute/Unmute toggle button is in the top right hand corner.

There is a Volume Slider to increase or decrease the audio volume.


To Send a Presentation

(1) Press in the Presentation box.

A pop-up should appear, (2) select the Presentation source from the menu.

Select "Share in-call"

(Optional) Select a source from the Preview bar to view it on the Preview monitor before sharing.


To stop sharing your Presentation, select "Stop sharing"


To disconnect the call, select "End Call"



More information

Note: For more video conference information, please refer to

AV Help Guide - Video Conference


Meeting has not started yet? Host not joined?

If the main Display shows a "Meeting has not started yet" message:


Tip: If you are the meeting host, you will find the Host key on your Zoom profile page.

If you are a guest, please wait for your meeting host to start the meeting.


Other ways to Join a Zoom Meeting?

For One Button To Push (OBTP) Join

OBTP Join is a big green button to call the Zoom meeting, bypassing the need to manually dial the the SIP address and password.

Refer to What is OBTP Join?


 For information on how to join a Zoom conference using PC, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android or Zoom Web Client:

Zoom - How do I join a Zoom meeting using a PC, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android or Zoom Web Client?

 Or refer to the Room Help Center



Zoom support documentation

Zoom Room Connector

Zoom Help Center

AARNet Zoom knowledge


Important Note: DAVE / Crestron 'Zoom Rooms' do not currently support manual point-to-point SIP Dialing

'Zoom Rooms' are different to 'Video Conference Rooms'.

DAVE / Crestron 'Zoom Rooms' do not support direct SIP dialing.  (SIP is the standard protocol used for video conference calls.)

Instead, create a Zoom Meeting, and invite the SIP participant to call into the Zoom Meeting. 

Deakin Zoom Meetings have SIP support.

 To book a Zoom Meeting, refer to


Technical Note: Some limited pseudo point-to-point dialing is available by dialing entries in the Zoom Room Directory, however note that a Zoom Meeting is automatically invoked in the background when these entries are called, so those calls are still technically hosted on the Zoom Meeting platform.