Access to Qualtrics - University Wide licence

Table of Contents

What is Qualtrics?

If you are unsure what Qualtrics is, here is a brief description:

Qualtrics is world leading company which provides software for collecting and analyzing data for market research, customer satisfaction and loyalty, product and concept testing, employee evaluations and website feedback.

Deakin University has an enterprise license for some of the Qualtrics offerings under the "Research Core" product

Access to Qualtrics - University Wide license

To access Qualtrics as a Deakin user (staff or student), you need to:

  1. Head to this URL:

    This will forward you to Deakin's Single Sign-on solution.

  2. One you have supplied your credentials for that you will be redirected back to:



Note for first time logins to Qualtrics

If you haven't used Qualtrics before, an account will be automatically created for you based on the information from Deakin's Single Sign-On system.

If you have used Qualtrics before, and it was with a previous Deakin faculty or school licence (i.e. not the university wide licence), then you should be prompted to migrate your existing account. This is safe to do and you existing surveys will be carried across to your new Single Sign-on identity in Qualtrics.

Can anybody use Qualtrics?

Under the university wide licence, all staff and students have access to Qualtrics, but before you hop on and create a survey, you need to be aware of the university policy and procedures relating to surveys.  Further information can be found here on our "Conducting Surveys at Deakin Wiki Entry" (staff access only).