How to fully uninstall Cisco AnyConnect (Including Profiles) on a Mac computer

This guide is not intended for a Deakin-managed (SOE) Mac machine. It is only applicable to the following computers:

You need admin rights on your computer to be able to complete these instructions.

Please follow the below steps to uninstall Cisco AnyConnect completely from your Mac.

  1. Go to Applications.

     Navigate from the "Go" menu to "Applications"

  2. Uninstall all "Cisco AnyConnect" programs. 

    Uninstall all "Cisco AnyConnect" programs or software

  3. Go to Utilities and launch Terminal

    Go to "Utilities", and access "Terminal"

  4. Go to the Cisco directory and type "cd /opt/cisco". Confirm presence of Anyconnect directory, type “ls –l”. Fully delete Anyconnect directory, type “sudo rm –rf anyconnect”. Enter login password. Confirm AnyConnect directory is deleted, type “ls –l”. 

    Follow the instructions provided carefully