How to activate your Deakin IT account

Before you can use Deakin University's IT services or facilities, you will need to activate your Deakin IT Account. This will give you access to Deakin wi-fi and systems like StudentConnect, so that you can enrol in units. Please follow the instructions below to get started.

Note: If you do not know your username or password, please navigate to the Password Reset Portal and select Staff or Current Student.

Please enter your ID number, date of birth and click SUBMIT. The website will take you to the next page and display your username at the top of the screen in bold text as seen below. If you wish to reset your password, please follow the on-screen prompts.

Password Reset dialogue box displaying Deakin username (outlined in red) once ID number and Date of Birth have been entered


Instructions for students

If you are a new or returning student, you may need to activate your Deakin IT account.

  1. Go to the Activate Password web page
  2. Agree to the conditions of use
  3. Enter the following details to retrieve your username and generate a password:
    • Deakin Student ID
    • Course Code
    • Date of Birth


Instructions for staff

Each Faculty and Portfolio area has staff who create IT accounts for employees.

If you are unsure of your Faculty or Portfolio nominated staff member, consult your supervisor, area admin staff or Faculty or Portfolio IT representative.

Nominated staff can create new accounts for staff via the IAM facility.