Scan a document directly to someone other than yourself


Note: It is strongly recommended that staff scan their documents and email them to their own email address. The user can then forward it from their inbox so they can confirm the document(s) have been sent successfully. Scanning directly to someone else with a '' email address is still an option.

How to scan a document to an email address

  1. Tap your card or enter your Deakin credentials at the printer's logon screen

  2. Select Use Device Functions on the touch screen

  3. Press the Home button, located at the bottom of the screen

  4. Select Scanning (Classic) 

  5. At the scan screen, select Manual Entry.

    Highlights the Manual Entry button within the Scan screen.

  6. Type the name of the person to whom you wish to send the scan, as it would appear in their Deakin email address (for example, firstname.lastname). Select the User Text tab, located at the bottom of the screen.

    Highlights the User Text button

  7. Select and press OK

    Highlights the Deakin suffix option.

  8.  Place your documents face-up in the document feeder, or face-down on the glass. Press Start to scan